Project Overview

project type

Water surface photovoltaic power station

project's venue

Tangyi Town, Dongchangfu, Liaocheng, Shandong

Project capacity


project area

4,475 acres

Average annual power generation

220 million kWh

product type

Hi-MO 5

Technological Highlights

Photovoltaic Power Station Project 202MW

Located in Shandong province in the east of China, the Liaocheng 202 MW solar power station is built on a water reservoir. This helps to mitigate the impact of land use and reduce the amount of water that is lost to evaporation.

The floating solar panels are installed on the reservoir, and the power cables are installed on the seabed. This poses a challenge in terms of corrosion protection of cables. To overcome this, the station adopted a new anti-corrosion technology by using EPR cable sheath material. This is the first time that such technology has been used in China, and this breakthrough helped to reduce the risk of cable failure and increased the life span of the station.

Another technological highlight is the dual-axis tracking system. The system allows the solar panels to move based on the sun's position, enabling the panels to capture the maximum sunlight and increase the energy output by 20% compared to fixed solar panels. This technology is more efficient, especially in the morning and evening, when the angle of the sun is low.

The station also uses a cloud monitoring system, which employs satellite data to track cloud movements, and adjust the rotation of the solar panels accordingly. This technology helps to optimize the energy output and respond in real-time to cloud movements, increasing the energy efficiency of the station.

Project Highlights

Project Highlights

Photovoltaic Power Station Project 202MW

The Shandong Liaocheng 202 MW Solar Power Station is more than just a technological breakthrough, it is also a project breakthrough in the way renewable energy is integrated into existing infrastructure.

The floating solar panels are installed on the reservoir, which not only helps to save land use, but also reduces the amount of water that is lost to evaporation. The reservoir can store 78 million cubic meters of water, which people can now use for irrigation, drinking and industrial purposes, making the project more sustainable and beneficial to the community.

The project also utilized local labor. The construction of the station created over 2,000 jobs, promoting local economic development and contributing to poverty reduction.

This paragraph will delve into the project highlights of this project.

1. Large-scale: With a total capacity of 202 MW, this project stands out as the largest reservoir photovoltaic power station in the world. This is a significant milestone, exemplifying Liaocheng's commitment to renewable energy.

2. Land conservation: Using a floating solar system not only addresses reservoir management concerns but also conserves land resources. This sustainable solution is an effective and responsible approach to environmental conservation.

3. Community engagement and local employment: The project drives localized economic development and promotes local employment. The companies behind the project actively collaborate with the local community, providing training programs for employment opportunities.

4. Green energy: The project represents a significant step towards reducing reliance on fossil fuels and addressing climate change. With the installation of 630,000 floating solar panels, it will help meet the energy needs of both Liaocheng city and the rest of the region.