

Project Overview

project type

Large flat ground power stations

project's venue

Lishui City, Zhejiang Province

Project capacity


Average annual power generation


product type

Hi-MO 5

Technical Highlights

Datang PV Power Station

1. Advanced Photovoltaic Technology

The Daitang Jingning 52MW Photovoltaic Power Plant adopts the most advanced photovoltaic technology in the world. The solar panels installed at the power plant are monocrystalline silicon panels. These panels have high photoelectric conversion efficiency and can effectively absorb sunlight. The high-efficiency photovoltaic panels help to increase the power generation of the power plant.

2. Innovative Inverter Technology

The photovoltaic power plant adopts innovative inverter technology. The inverters are equipped with advanced control systems that can monitor the status of each solar panel in real-time. This helps to optimize the power generation of the power plant.

3. Grid Connection Technology

The Daitang Jingning 52MW Photovoltaic Power Plant is connected to the grid using the latest grid connection technology. The power plant is capable of generating electricity even when the grid is down. This is because the power plant is equipped with the latest energy storage technology. The energy storage system can store excess solar energy during the day and release it at night or during power outages.

Project Highlights

Project Highlights

Datang PV Power Station

1. Large-Scale Project

The Daitang Jingning 52MW Photovoltaic Power Plant is a large-scale project. The total installed capacity of the power plant is 52MW. The project covers an area of 150 acres (about 60 hectares), and more than 200,000 photovoltaic panels have been installed.

2. Environmental Protection

The photovoltaic power plant is an environmentally friendly project. The solar panels used in the power plant do not emit any pollutants or greenhouse gases. The power plant can help to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment.

3. Economic Benefits

The Daitang Jingning 52MW Photovoltaic Power Plant has significant economic benefits. The project provides job opportunities for local residents and can promote the economic development of the region. The power plant can generate a large amount of electricity, which can be sold to the grid and generate income for the developers.


The Zhejiang Province Daitang Jingning 52MW Photovoltaic Power Plant is a technologically advanced and environmentally friendly project. The project has significant economic benefits and can promote the development of the region. The innovative photovoltaic technology and grid connection technology used in the project can provide lessons and guidance for the development of similar projects in the future.